About me

I am an Assistant Professor at Halicioğlu Data Science Institute (HDSI) at UC, BiweiSan Diego (UCSD). My research interests include causal discovery and inference, causality-facilitated machine learning, and computational science.

I received my Ph.D. degree at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in 2022. I am fortunate to work with my supervisors Prof. Kun Zhang and Prof. Clark Glymour. Before joining CMU, I got my Master’s degree in Neural Information Processing at the University of Tübingen, Germany (2012 – 2014). Later, I joined Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (Bernhard Schölkopf‘s lab), working on causal discovery (2014 – 2015).

I am taking on new students and postdocs from HDSI, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and related departments. Welcome to contact me if you are interested in causality-related research.


2023: Keynote/invited talks at KDD workshop, ICSA conference, USC summer school, IROS workshop, UAI workshop, SIAM conference, UCSD Biostatistics seminar, UCSD ECE seminar, etc.

09/2022: Join UCSD as an Assistant Professor. 

11/2021: Our Python package for causal discovery ‘causal-learn‘ was released.

10/2021: I was named a Rising Star of the Trustworthy ML Initiative.

04/2021: I was awarded the 2021 Apple Scholars in AI and Machine Learning (AI/ML).